Saturday, November 22, 2008

Half-way through semester one

Well, we've reached the half-way point of semester one... a quarter of the way through Grade 12. Frightening really, if you think about how quickly the time has passed.
I've begun some of the Hamlet assignments, and I hope to be able to submit them in the next two weeks, so that I can focus on my ISU. I haven't really gotten around to reading much of The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer-Bradley, but the first 50 pages tell me I am going to LOVE it. It's already about a dozen times better than Watership Down, in my opinion.
I'm almost done Hamlet, which I also find quite interesting, more so than the previous works of Shakespeare that I have read. I assume I'm only enjoying Shakespeare's Hamlet because I actually understand what he's saying! :) So, 2 more Acts to go and I'm done Hamlet (which might not be that great).
Speaking of Shakespeare, we've just finished watching Henry V, which was terribly boring (I'm sorry to those who disagree), except for the last couple minutes of it. Yup, the war part was the only thing that actually caught my attention and managed to keep it. But, I did enjoy seeing some familiar faces in the movies... and of course, they have to do with Harry Potter.
For those who did not notice, Katherine was played by Emma Thompson, who plays Professor Trelawney in Harry Potter. Falstaff was played by Robbie Coltrane, who plays Hagrid in the Harry Potter series. Kenneth Branagh, who played as Professor Lockhart in Chamber of Secrets, is none other than Henry V himself. Also, and this I had to double check, one of the court people was none other than Patrick Doyle, the composer of the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire soundtrack.
So there.... now you know.

1 comment:

Emily said...

pssh, somebody's still obsessed with harry potter :P And I'm glad that hamlet was good...cause i dont particularly like shakespeare either...athough macbeth was aiight.