Saturday, September 6, 2008

Accountability Agreement

1. I wish to receive a final mark of at least 88% in this course.
2. I would like to have a mark of at least 85% on my ISU and other major assignments, so that I may ensure a high grade in this course.
3. By the end of this semester, I would like to have a total average of 90% to ensure higher values of entrance scholarships.


1. I will contribute to the class by helping others whenever I can.

2. I will be punctual in terms of getting to class on time and handing in all work by the given due date.
3. I will put all my effort into completing assignments and doing the best I possibly can.


1. I will be held responsible for handing in all my work on time.
2. I will be held responsible for doing my part in group projects and being present on the date of presentation.

3. I am fully accountable for doing my best to participate in class discussions.

1. I will rely mostly on myself to have the initiative to do what is necessary to pass this course with the highest level of success I can muster.

2. I will be somewhat dependent on the constructive criticism of my classmates and teacher(s) so that I may further develop my learning skills and writing techniques.
3. I will need Curtis’ support and patience during the times where stress gets the best of me.

1. I will know I was successful with my goals when I find I have retained the knowledge I was taught over the year.

2. I will be successful when I receive over 80% on any of my work.

3. I will be most successful when I have managed to earn myself 88% or higher as my final mark.

If I succeed, I will be rewarded with great marks. If I fail… I refuse to fail.

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